
Sponsor Art Crawl

Thank You for Your Consideration!

Supporting Art Crawl creates a great opportunity to expose your business
to a diverse and growing audience while supporting community and emerging artists locally.

We invite you to become a sponsor to make an impact on our community!  As we always say… It takes a village!  It is only through the generosity of our sponsors, partners, and supporters that we are able to foster the cultivation of local artists, art education, and community enrichment.  Together, we believe we can make a difference in the community by building relationships to bring about awareness, support, and collaboration for the arts.

All donations to Art Crawl, Inc. are tax deductible.


Platinum Sponsor


  • At Art Crawl event
  • On all event collateral and media
    • Logo included (print material)
      • 45,000+ promotional ads, 6,000+ e-newsletters, and on all event signage
    • Name included on event media (social media) 
      • Up to 120,000 impressions
  • Social media “Featured Sponsor” post

Event Presence and Impact:

  • A 12×12 booth space to interact with community.
  • Opportunity to gather community contact information and handout promotional items at the Art Crawl event
  • Recognized independently as a sponsor of:  (examples)
    • Live art demonstrations
    • Interactive art activities
    • Performances

Impact Your Business:

  • One “Partner Share” e-blast with Social Media posts promoting your own event to Art Crawl audience. (1,500+ subscribers, 4,000+ followers)

Gold Sponsor


  • At Art Crawl event
  • On all event collateral and media
    • Logo included (print material)
      • 45,000+ promotional ads, 6,000+ e-newsletters, and on all event signage
    • Name included on event media (social media) 
      • Up to 120,000 impressions
  • Social media “Featured Sponsor” post

Event Presence and Impact:

  • A 12×12 booth space to interact with community.
  • Opportunity to gather community contact information and handout promotional items at the Art Crawl event

Silver Sponsor


  • At Art Crawl event
  • On all event collateral and media
    • Name in text included on print material
      • 45,000+ promotional ads, 6,000+ e-newsletters, and on all event signage
    • Name included on event media (social media) 
      • Up to 120,000 impressions

Bronze Sponsor


  • At Art Crawl event
  • Name in text included on all event signage

Sponsorship Opportunity benefits are negotiable. Help us make a package just right for your business. We would love to have you on board!

If you have any questions or ideas, please contact the Ellen at Call Today! (863) 450-5229 or email EChastain@ArtCrawlFL.com.